Here are a bunch of pictures of various Saraswati shrines and parades in the streets of Banaras (complete with lots of rowdy young men dancing and trying to touch girls):
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saraswati shrines for Saraswati puja
Here are a bunch of pictures of various Saraswati shrines and parades in the streets of Banaras (complete with lots of rowdy young men dancing and trying to touch girls):
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Saraswati Pooja
Yesterday was Saraswati Pooja. Saraswati is the goddess of learning, so on Sarasvati Pooja, all institutions of learning have special poojas to Saraswati to bless the students and their studies. Anyone who participates in Saraswati Pooja is supposed to refrain from studying at all on that day to honor the goddess. Since we were refraining from studying, we all went out to the nearby movie theater to see Agnipath (“The path of fire”), a remake of a 1990s Amitabh Bachchhan movie. It was ok, I thought it was really violent; the director made every scene of the movie into an EPIC scene but not always with an EPIC reason behind the epicness.
We have also started studying Arabic with a young man who works in a madrassa, a school where children are taught Arabic, Urdu, and the Koran. We had our first lesson in a park outside a Hindu temple, which I thought was funny.
The pujari (Hindu priest) setting up a room in our program house for the Saraswati puja.
Vimal ji, our Hindi teacher, acting as the yajnamana (the main beneficiary/representative of household i.e. our program) over the agni yajna (fire sacrifice).
Kathak class from last semester

Monday, January 9, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Agra and Banaras with the fam
Pam and Steve at the Taj Mahal.
Riti, our little host sister.
After the boat ride.
The next day we went on a walk in the gullys of northern Banaras and then went back to southern Banaras by walking along the ghats.
Someone making cow dung patties for fuel.
Some sadhus (wandering holy men) hanging out on the ghats.
A river mud sculpture of Bhishma, the grandfather of the Kauravas and Pandavas, the two clans who fought each other in the Bhagavad Gita.
Zach and a scared kid.
A priest getting his pooja (prayer) table ready for arthi (an evening ritual on the river).
Is this America? No, it's Chandigarh!
So its probably the cleanest, most organized, and best smelling Indian city. I felt like I was in Florida!
Zach's dad, Steve's colleague Harleen's husband Avinaash's mother's garden. There were some pretty birds hopping around in it too!