Kerry waiting at the train station in style.
India 2011-12
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Jain group of temples at Khajuraho
Kerry waiting at the train station in style.
Mom visits: Sarnath, Lucknow, and an Indian Wedding
Mom pumpin' some water.
Assi Ghat at midday.
Mom and Sarika (Bhabhi ji).
Two sleepy Spotted Owlets.
Then it saw me taking a picture of it and woke up.
The giant memorial for Dr. Ambedkar, the famous Dalit leader who fought hard for the rights of untouchables (dalits). It was built by Mayawati, the current chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, who is also a dalit. Although the memorial is for Ambedkar, Mayawati made sure to put plenty of statues of herself and of her party's symbol, the BSP elephant. The memorial is huge; it spanned at least a few acres plus a nearby park named for Dr. Ambedkar.
The yellow things are statues of BSP elephants covered with tarps so that no voters would be influenced by them in the recent elections.
Zach walking along the Ambedkar memorial. The statue in the middle of the road is an image of the Buddha; Dr. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism because he did not want to be part of a religion (Hinduism) that treated him as filthy and impure.
Baby goat friends!
The outer wall of Bara Imambara in Lucknow, which contains a mosque and a labyrinth!
The mosque at Bara Imambara.
Mom in an old mosque in Lucknow.
Long halls of the labyrinth.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Ek mai aur ek tu (one me and one you)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saraswati shrines for Saraswati puja
Here are a bunch of pictures of various Saraswati shrines and parades in the streets of Banaras (complete with lots of rowdy young men dancing and trying to touch girls):
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Saraswati Pooja
Yesterday was Saraswati Pooja. Saraswati is the goddess of learning, so on Sarasvati Pooja, all institutions of learning have special poojas to Saraswati to bless the students and their studies. Anyone who participates in Saraswati Pooja is supposed to refrain from studying at all on that day to honor the goddess. Since we were refraining from studying, we all went out to the nearby movie theater to see Agnipath (“The path of fire”), a remake of a 1990s Amitabh Bachchhan movie. It was ok, I thought it was really violent; the director made every scene of the movie into an EPIC scene but not always with an EPIC reason behind the epicness.
We have also started studying Arabic with a young man who works in a madrassa, a school where children are taught Arabic, Urdu, and the Koran. We had our first lesson in a park outside a Hindu temple, which I thought was funny.
The pujari (Hindu priest) setting up a room in our program house for the Saraswati puja.
Vimal ji, our Hindi teacher, acting as the yajnamana (the main beneficiary/representative of household i.e. our program) over the agni yajna (fire sacrifice).